Friday, March 28, 2025



While this is far from the most interesting documentary that I have ever seen, it's also far from the worst!

I think that the 'problem' with this documentary is that they made it with certain intentions and goals in mind but while shooting realized that what they had in mind wasn't really working out and wasn't really going anywhere, so they had to find a different angle.

The documentary starts off as one that treats its subject of fishing as a sort of metaphor for life. A pretty ridicules but also simplistic and tiresome argument, in my opinion. I mean, you can basically pick every subject and turn it into a metaphor for life. You can easily steer a documentary into a certain direction, when you have a certain goal in mind but luckily this documentary its two main subjects weren't playing along.

And luckily, through its two main subjects, the documentary manages to find a new angle. Rather than focusing on the fishing aspects, the movie focuses more on its two main subjects and mainly their 'strange' bond and relationship. They are not particularly good friends but they certainly can get along well and there is some mutual respect but at the same time also rivalry. Just like most things, their relationship isn't just black and white. It's not like they either hate- or love each other but there instead is a bit of both going on here. And once this relationship becomes the main focus of the documentary, it's also definitely turning into a better and more interesting one.

It still isn't a particularly deep documentary though. I mean, do we really get to know its two main subjects? Do we truly see them change or develop as human beings, as the documentary moves along and they start to ask themselves certain questions? Not really, which is probably due to it that the documentary is taking a too 'friendly' approach. It probably was trying to stay on the good side of both of its main subjects, so it isn't ever asking any hard- or any too provoking and serious questions.

But really, just because it isn't a particularly deep documentary doesn't mean that it isn't a good one to watch. It still manages to be interesting enough and it also most certainly never bores, which however might also be due to this documentary being an only 70 minutes short one.

Because the documentary is mostly set outdoors, in the middle of the nature, it also is a beautiful one to look at. It has some good cinematography and editing in it, which all helps to ensure that this documentary is a real pleasant one to watch, at all times.

Not a particularly deep or life changing documentary but it's a perfectly watchable one, with also still some interesting aspects to it.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Trailer: Paradise (2013)
TV spot: Paranoia (2013)

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