It at the same time still ain't no short that shall live on in memory for very long. It doesn't really make an impact, in a provoking, original, or shocking kind of way.
With a bit of a stronger buildup the movie potential could had a more powerful and effective horror atmosphere to it, or maybe it could had also achieved this by having a somewhat stronger and better written plot in it. It still tries hard to create a certain horror atmosphere but its style and approach kind of fell short and reminded me more of an 1990's movie than a 2008 one really.
All the movie basically is, is buildup, without ever having a very rewarding payoff in it as well. Not that the movie disappoints an awful lot though. I mean, not much was to be expected from a 5 minute short and it of course is also too short to ever start to feel like a totally pointless or horrible watch.
It is what it is and it honestly is nothing too bad to watch but it's clearly no absolute must-see either.
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