This sounds harsh but it's not the same thing as saying this is a bad movie as well, fore it really isn't. Problem is that it just isn't anything special and not everything got handled in the best or most original way.
This movie is being a bit of everything. It's not fully a sports/baseball movie, it's not just a father-daughter drama and it's not just a romantic movie. It tries to combine many different elements, of which none however is all that involving or surprising. Really, it's an as typical and predictable movie as they can get but I guess that the lovers of these sort of more simplistic and easy to digest dramas/feel good movies will have little to complain about. In that regard this also really is still being a better than just average genre attempt, also due to all of the talent involved with making this movie.
And I'm mostly talking about the cast of course, which still remains the biggest draw for this movie. It's always good to watch Clint Eastwood as a grumpy old guy and the movie has a pretty solid supporting cast, with actors such as John Goodman, Bob Gunton, Justin Timberlake, Matthew Lillard and Robert Patrick involved.
That doesn't mean they always interact convincing with each other as well but this really for most part is also really because of its written. The whole father/daughter relationship between Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams felt too fabricated and I'm mostly referring to all of the drama that goes down between them. There also was some poor chemistry between Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake. It might sound strange coming from a guy but Timerlake is just too good looking for Adams and it felt far from convincingly that a guy like him would ever fall for a girl like her.
All of the drama just feels a bit too convenient for the movie as well. It's happening at weird moments and places, which doesn't make this the most realistic genre movie to watch out there. So next to being very typical and predictable, it also is being not realistic enough. But oh well, all of this are only reasons as to why "Trouble with the Curve" is a far from great movie but in all honesty, it's not a terrible movie. A bit slow perhaps at places, yes but never anything truly bad or annoying.
It's a watchable enough genre flick, as long as you don't expect any Oscar material.
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