Saturday, March 29, 2025


This is one of those movies that deliberately tries to be shocking and have some gross out moments in it, just for the sake of it. It isn't being very clever with or about anything and I would even call this movie somewhat offensive.
Don't worry, I don't take this movie serious at all but it still feels sort of wrong for this movie to make fun of certain aspects. A comedy about 2 persons trying to have a baby through unnatural ways could work out as long as it's one of those more sweet type of comedies. Nothing sweet about this movie though. It's hardly a subtle one, that rather makes cheap jokes about sperm and buffing the banana than being considerate toward its subject and treat it with some dignity. I'm pretty sure that people who are on the whole IVF track for instance will find this movie terribly offensive and tasteless. Just as tasteless as my buffing the banana remark.

And the problem is that this movie mostly relies on exactly those gross out moments. Everything else that happens and all of its developments are besides being some highly unlikely ones, so it's also hard to get some pleasure out of those moments. The whole way things just randomly pop up in this movie and things just happen and progress is absolutely horrible and has nothing to do with creativity.

And honestly, I like gross out comedy! I like basically every Americam Pie movie ever made and even laughed at "Freddy Got Fingered". Thing with this movie though is that it isn't ever being clever or original with any of its humor. It's extremely predictable and poorly executed all. I more often thought to myself; 'this is just plain wrong!' instead of 'this is something funny!'. It was somewhat painful and embarrassing to watch even.

I'm terribly harsh toward this movie, just because it doesn't work out at all and even worse; it works out as something cheap and offensive instead, which makes it hard to get any true enjoyment or laughs out of this movie. Of course it has its moments but it really doesn't save it and make it one that is being worthwhile to watch.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Red band trailer: End of Watch (2012)
Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012) Directed by Shinji Aramaki

1 reacties:

  1. "A comedy about 2 persons trying to have a baby through unnatural ways could work out as long as it's one of those more sweet type of comedies"? What the hell are you talking about? You think that a movie's subject matter should dictate it's genre? I don't care if a movie is about necrophilia, shoemaking or whatever, funny is funny and suggestion that a movie about people trying to get pregnant has to be sweet is just ridiculous.
