Saturday, March 29, 2025


This certainly is not a movie I am in love with. Seems like it had some good and interesting ideas in it but overall it does a bad job at handling and developing them in the story.

Not that this is a bad or annoying movie to watch. And really, if you are into Superman or just superhero stories in general, this animated movie is still well worth checking out. It still has plenty of superhero action in it, as well as some other familiar genre aspects.

I still personally had plenty of problems with this movie and the way it was handling its story and characters. First of all, I was kind of disappointed with the villains. The movie didn't ever really developed a good enough back-story for them and their powers are just ridicules. I mean, they can do just about everything and there seem to be no limitations. One guy can pull literally anything he wants from his hat, while the other can do and move everything with his mind, one guy seems to have unparalleled strength and the woman can let her little pets do about anything she wants them to. The movie keeps surprising you with what they can do, which sounds like an awesome perhaps but it gets sort of annoying after a while, since there seems to be no stop or limitations to anything. besides, the movie fist tries to portray them as good guys but who were they kidding here. It's obviously apparent from the start on already that these people are going to take on Superman at one point.

The movie is still handling some interesting themes and questions, such as; is the world done with Superman? And wouldn't it be better if Superman killed off some of his enemies, since they always keep returning and getting out of their prisons. I however feel that the movie never digs deep enough into any of those questions and the movie and its story for most part remain a very simple and generic one, that doesn't ever surprises you in any way.

It also seems like you need to be at least a bit into Superman and what he has been currently up to, since this movie doesn't give you any explanations about anything or anyone. It assumes you know all of the characters and their relations already and it assumes that you know about everything that had happened in the Superman universe, in recent years. This probably makes this movie slightly less enjoyable to watch for those who aren't really familiar with the current Superman universe, such as me.

I would say that this movie is definitely being more an animated movie for adults than kids really. The violence gets pretty graphic and all of the themes handled in the movie probably aren't all that interesting or exciting for little kids to watch. This makes it sort of strange that the movie still has a very kid like look to it, with its animations.

I still had a good enough time watching it but this just isn't a movie that I can wholeheartedly and enthusiastically recommend.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Rift (2011) Directed by LazRael Lison
Trailer: Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)

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