Sombre (1998) Directed by Philippe Grandrieux
You have movies that are dark because of its style and tone and then
there also are movies that are just dark due to a lack of light. And
this movie decided so simply use no lights at all, even while the movie
is mostly taking place during the nighttime, which causes most of the
movie to be just too dark for its own good.
It would had been nice to see more of what was going on at times. I
just really couldn't always tell what was happening and you might call
it an artistic choice, or something along those lines but I call it
cheap and ridicules. I mean it's a movie! You are supposed to be able
to tell what is going on, by using your eyes.
This all really prevented me from ever getting into this movie. But
besides all of that, I don't think that this movie would had intrigued
me any better if it got shot with more light. The story is just too
simplistic for that and it isn't really following a main plot to begin
Sure, I get it. This is supposed to be a movie that puts us into the
mind of serial killer but it doesn't really ever do this in a very
engaging way. The main character, besides being a killer, is also a
rapist. This makes him even less sympathetic and even makes you more
repulsed toward him and the entire movie in general, since there is a
whole lot of hard, loveless, sex going on in this movie. Not that I
ever was able to see much of it tough.
The movie just never got interesting for me and it failed to put me
into the mind of a serial killer. There are numerous movies out there
that did a far better job, with a similar sort of premise and setup.
Movies like "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" or "Schramm" for
example. Or even some cheap TV movies or television series episodes. In
other words; it was not so much its concept but more its execution,
that was wrong with this movie.
It's a movie that picks a more stylized approach to things and almost
wants to be seen and taken as an artistic movie. But really, the movie
just isn't being deep and engaging enough for that. It instead is a
very distant movie, that doesn't delves into anything.
It's not a horrible movie, or one that I hated seeing (if I ever could
see anything that is) but it just is one that fails at ever becoming
interesting or engaging enough to watch.
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