Rosetta (1999) Directed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne
Always hard to say something about these sort of movies, since they are
being so simple in its setup and you can really hardly go wrong with
these type of movies. And this one is good within its genre, though I
can't say that it's being the most involving and interesting movie to
You could say that this movie is being like a random slice of life and
it's following a young woman around, who is struggling to keep a steady
job. There of course is a whole lot of other drama going on as well,
also involving a romantic plot.
In the end it also still is a movie that leaves more questions than
answers. The movie isn't all about explaining everything to you and
tells you what happens after certain events and perhaps more
importantly; why. It's OK to feature such an approach, especially for a
movie of this sort but in this case I would had preferred some more
depth and explanations, to get me more involved with its story and
That was also a big problem for me; I just couldn't ever like or
understand the movie its main character. She obviously has some kind of
issues and is socially very awkward. Not really a likable person, you
want to hang around with, which also makes her not all that great and
involving to follow around, in my opinion.
But still as these sort of movies go, I really can't call it a bad one.
It never bores and it never drags at any point, though this is
obviously a slower type of movie, in which not an awful lot is going
on, all the time. It's perhaps not a very engaging movie but it still
remains an interesting one, also mostly because it never really gets
Certainly watchable, especially when you are into these type of movies.
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