Performance (1970) Directed by Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg
This movie is a real mixed bag for me. I was totally into its first
half and was absolutely loving it for its creativity but the about half
way through the movie starts to become a totally different movie, the
moment Mick Jagger makes his appearance.
Thing that made me love its first half, was that it was being a very
British crime flick, focusing on criminals, that got shot and told
beautifully. Truly in an artistic manner, with some experimental
camera-work and editing, that all worked out well and captivating for
the movie.
I was so disappointed that not the whole movie was being like this. The
second half of the movie is far more psychedelic and doesn't really
seem all too concerned about telling its story. So disappointing, since
everything that got buildup in the first half of the movie was being
very promising and I was anxious to see what would happen next. But
it's almost as of halfway through the movie comes to a stop and after
that the movie hardly progresses any more story-wise. It becomes more a
movie about its characters, which was just all less interesting to
watch, in my opinion.
In a way you could say that Jagger ruined the movie for me but I don't
blame just him. It more was the story and the different approach of its
second half that it all less interesting to watch and caused his
character to work out as mostly an annoying one.
James Fox was definitely better. He is not a big name actor but chances
are you have already seen him in something. He doesn't always play
leading roles, as he does in this movie but he definitely is a more
than capable actor, that also has plenty of charisma to him.
I still rate the movie quite highly, simply because of the reason that
it's being a very original and creative movie, that also still works
out for most part as well.
So in short, it has a great and artistic first half and a less
impressive and more messy second one. But overall the movie remains a
more than good and original watch, though it's most definitely not a
movie for just everyone.
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