Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except (1985) Directed by Josh Becker
This is not simply an independent movie, it's an amateur movie! It got
put together by a bunch of friends, with a passion for movie making but
without a sufficient budget. It makes the movie quite awkwardly looking
in parts but it doesn't prevent it from becoming a fun and still quite
good one.
It is a pretty odd movie, that is hard to take seriously really but
then again, not all movies are supposed to be taken serious. Sometimes
movies can just offer you simple pleasure and the creators of this
movie must besides had some pretty good fun with it as well, which can
be seen back on the screen.
If it wasn't for Sam Raimi's involvement, this movie would had probably
been lost into obscurity already. Raimi and director Josh Becker were
friends at the time and most of the movie got shot in Bruce Campbell's
backyard. All pretty awesome facts that don't help to make the movie
any better but it is something that makes this movie a curiosity piece
for a whole bunch of people out there.
And yes, the movie is actually worth watching. It's stupid, it's
simple, it's cheap but it is fun as well! At first this movie didn't
seemed like it would be a good one at all. For the longest time the
story was going absolutely nowhere and was simply dragging on, no doubt
to extend its running time. The real 'story' and fun kicks in during
its second half, when the movie turns into a good old fashioned
exploitation flick.
No doubt that the '70's exploitation genre formed the biggest
inspiration for this movie. The second half of the movie is nothing but
violence and gore. No nudity though, though the movie also easily could
had gone that way. It's that kind of movie! The violence and gore isn't
all that convincing and very over the top really but this all adds to
the overall fun level of the movie.
There is no way that you could call this a great movie but it's one you
can have a great time with while watching and having a couple of laughs
at it while still being entertained by it all. It's not laughable bad,
it's enjoyable bad! And the film-makers luckily had no problem with
this and didn't took themselves very seriously to begin with.
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