Saturday, March 29, 2025




Honestly, I can often enjoy these type of movies because they are being often such fun ones to watch. And in its own way, this is also a quite fun movie to watch but having said that, it's really far from a great one, even for the normal adult movie standards.

Funny but at the same time also bad thing about this movie is how incredibly random it is being. Basically it's a collection of different, unrelated sequences, that are being like the most random ones ever. It starts of with an Adam and Eve type of tale, than one involving Dracula, one at a football game and one at a strip-club. It seems like they tried to connect each story with ever now and then showing Kari Klark, aboard a space ship but the whole point of it and how it is supposed to connect all of the different stories is beyond me.

Still the most random thing about this movie remains, is how its featuring two times the same sequence in a row. Oops! Somebody messed up big time in the editing room. Apparently Jeff Rosen is to blame. A person who has no other movie credits behind his name, prior or after this movie.

It definitely has a bad movie vibe to it, in terms of its acting, dialog, sequences and settings. I mean if this got done as a serious movie, it would had been one of the worst ever! However because of the fact that its being an adult movie, you tend to be more forgiving toward it and are more willing to take the movie for what it is and simply enjoy it that way. In that regard this movie absolutely has some curiosity and entertainment value to it.

The sex sequences themselves aren't filmed all that well. You could tell that the persons who shot this movie had not much experience really and there was not a big studio behind it, stepping in at times and backing the movie up with some decent cash and knowhow. It's not showing stuff from the right angles but the actors are still really into it and were obviously having fun, which compensates a lot.

It's being fun enough but most definitely not a great movie.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Trailer: Argo (2012)
MASH (1970) Directed by Robert Altman

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