Carnosaur (1993) Directed by Adam Simon & Darren Moloney
Well, OK so this movie was bad but at least not in the way I expected
it to be. I was expecting one big "Jurassic Park" ripoff but the movie
really isn't being one. It's a movie that just also happens to feature
a dinosaur in it but other than that, there are very little
similarities between these both movies.
But having said that, this still is a pretty bad movie to watch. The
one thing that bugged me the most was that it didn't really seemed to
have a main character in it. Instead the movie follows a whole bunch of
different characters, that we just never really get to know and the
movie keeps on introducing new characters, pretty much till half way
through the movie. It also definitely prevents you from ever getting
into this movie and it even makes the story somewhat confusing, though
for these sort of the movies the stories of course aren't exactly the
best written ones to begin with already and often are completely
secondary to the movie.
The best thing I can say about this movie is that it at least knows
what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything good or clever. You can
tell that most people simply had fun while making this movie and didn't
took it very serious at all.
Also I must say that I very much prefer the old fashioned special
effects, complete with fake looking puppets and a guy in a suit, over
some incredibly fake looking CGI effects, that you are likely to see in
movies of this sort now days.
Don't expect much gore or other great horror elements though. It's all
pretty tame, especially by todays standards. It also really doesn't
ever manage to create a good atmosphere and tension for the movie,
though the movie itself is not all that bad looking, also especially
when considering its budget.
I honestly did not hated watching this movie and actually thought it
was quite entertainment at parts and in some ways but I just can't rate
it as a good movie though, since it does a lot of stuff so incredible
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