The Three Stooges (2012) Directed by Bobby Farrelly & Peter Farrelly
Honestly, I really like good old fashioned slapstick humor but the
slapstick in this movie just never really made me laugh. But having
said that, it's still not a bad movie and it certainly isn't as bad as
most people were anticipating it to be.
So the good news about this movie is that it's not being anything too
bad or lame. And really, that still is the most positive thing I took
out of this movie. The beauty and power of slapstick, in my opinion is,
is that you often can see the joke coming from miles away already but
it still can make you laugh real hard because it all got done so
extremely well and perfectly executed and delivered, by its director
and actors. That just isn't ever the case with this movie. You can see
the jokes coming from miles away and it's all being very predictable
and not executed in such a way that it ever made me laugh.
It still all makes the movie maintaining and entertaining to watch
though. Even though the story is incredibly simplistic and the movie
often was simply repeating itself, I never got bored with it. I still
did wish for some more original stuff to happen in it though. Slapstick
movies are some of the most creative movies out there. Something I
can't really say for this movie.
It probably still is true that lovers of the classic 'Three Stooges'
will still get a bigger kick and laugh out of this movie. They might be
able to recognize some inside jokes and references, which I all clearly
And it's not like Chris Diamantopoulos, Sean Hayes and Will Sasso were
bad as the 'Three Stooges' but they clearly were playing caricatures of
the three classic characters, which is something I just don't like very
Well, it's watchable enough all but I doubt it will mark the revival of
the classic slapstick genre. I'm still giving it really the benefit of
the doubt and I'm still interested in seeing were they are going to
take the characters and its comedy to, in some possible sequels.
Watch trailer

I didn’t really think it was terrible as I thought it was going to be in the first place because surprisingly, it did have me laugh. However, those laughs came in way too far apart from each other and the film as a whole, ends up being a little too stretched out. Would have del Toro, Penn, and Carrey made this any better? Who knows?!? Good review.