Marianne (2011) Directed by Filip Tegstedt
This is not an horrible movie by any means but it still does some stuff
wrong, which prevents this movie from ever becoming a truly compelling
or effective one.
One of the problems with this movie is that is doesn't always manages
to find a right balance between its drama and thriller/horror aspects.
The entire movie is being buildup like a slow moving, family-drama,
with at times simply some thriller and horror elements thrown into it.
You feel that the movie would had been better if it went for one simple
approach instead; either as a drama or as a thriller/horror but not a
combination of these different genres.
The movie also never becomes all that interesting or compelling to
watch because of that. It's not being effective enough in any way. Not
with its story, not with its tension/mystery and not with its
Because the movie is getting told so slowly, like you could expect of
course from a good old fashioned Swedish production, the movie becomes
even somewhat less interesting to watch. Also because some of the
moments within it feel stretched out and at times the movie could had
gotten to its point earlier. The movie does drag a little at certain
points and it feels a bit overlong, even while its being only 103
minutes short.
You still have to give the movie some credit of course. It was an
obvious low budget production but this doesn't ever become anything
distracting or something that can take you out of the movie at times.
It still is a skilfully made movie, with both lots of great people
behind- and in front of the camera involved.
And please don't watch this movie for Peter Stormare, or when you
expect to see a lot of him in this. He plays a secondary character,
that isn't an awful lot this movie. It looks like all of his scenes got
shot within a day or maybe two but still its good to see him in this of
course. He obviously doesn't see himself as too big or important to
play in a little movie from his native country as well.
It's really nothing too bad. Just something I can't rate very highly.
Watch trailer

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