FernGully 2: The Magical Rescue (1998) (V) Directed by Phil Robinson & Dave Marshall
Talking about a movie that does pretty much everything wrong! Please
meet "FernGully 2: The Magical Rescue"! Perhaps the absolute worst
sequel of all time!
Really, there just are no redeeming qualities about this movie. The
only reason why I won't give it a 1 rating is because it still has some
decent animation. So out of respect for the hard working animators, I'm
giving this movie an extra point but that's about as kind as I can get
for this movie.
In all honesty, it still starts off OK enough. Nothing too special but
it at least seemed like it was going to have a decent enough story in
it. The movie however very rapidly starts to get worse and the final 30
minutes of this movie are just totally unwatchable!
The first movie already of course had an environmental message in it
but this movie goes completely overboard, with its cuddly animals and
its message that is too thick on top. It's incredibly annoying and I
just can't see how anyone could ever enjoy this movie, not even little
kids. But the worst thing about the story remains that it's completely
going nowhere, after a while. It gets sidetracked and doesn't ever get
back on track on time again.
The movie also features some of the absolute worst voice acting I have
ever heard in an animated movie! If you are a person who thinks that it
doesn't really matter who voices an animated character, you should
really watch this movie! Afterward you will realize how important right
casting- but also acting skills are, for a voice actor. It might have
been possible that the voice actors had to do their lines, before the
movie was even finished, so they had nothing to work with yet. It
surely does sound that way, since the voices aren't really always
corresponding with what is going on the screen and the characters don't
interact very well or naturally with each other.
It's also weird to hear all of the the characters from the first movie
getting voiced by some completely different people in this sequel, who
don't sound at all like the original actors. This is especially notable
for the Batty character, who in the first movie got voiced by THE Robin
Also the songs in this movie are some of the absolute worst ones you
will ever hear! Why do animated movies actually so often feel the need
to have songs in it anyway? There is no good reason for the songs to be
in this movie and it's only distracting and annoying, also because it's
so absolutely horrendous to listen to.
The movie gets all the more worse to watch, when it also decides to be
cuddly cute. It's just too sugarcoated all and terribly forced. It
makes you mad to watch, instead of warm and mellow.
Believe me, this movie is even worse than I'm making it sound already!

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