Saturday, March 29, 2025


It was only a matter of time of course, that these movies about the current financial crisis would erupt out of the ground and this is probably one of the very first ones that tries to go all the way back and show how it all started at one day.

But don't expect to learn much though. If the whole financial crisis talk sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo talk to you, it still will be so after watching this movie. This movie mostly consists out of a bunch of people looking at a computer screen or some sheets of paper and talking about a whole bunch of numbers with each other. I'm sure that somebody could make a very funny montage out of this, if there isn't one already. No, I definitely couldn't understand absolutely everything in this movie but strangely enough this didn't mattered all that much.

Reason why the movie still works out really well is because all of the actors still manage to get the sense of pure panic and despair across, when they learn that the way they have been operating will cause the financial market to crash, in only a matter of days. You could definitely say that this is a real actors movie and the foremost reason why I still could enjoy this movie so much.

It's certainly not like watching paint dry. Despite of its subject, this by no means is a boring or uninteresting movie to watch, even when you don't understand what is going on exactly. And this is a real big accomplishment, especially when you also consider that director J.C. Chandor had never directed a full length movie, prior to this one. He probably most likely did had some experience already in the theater world, which would also explain why he handles the actors in this movie so well.

Yes, this movie is really made great by its actors, which might not be a big surprise to you, when you see its cast list. Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, Zachary Quinto, Demi Moore, Stanley Tucci. A true dream cast, for any filmmaker. And basically everybody is giving a fine performance and all are playing very well off each other. It's a very talkative movie, so this movie truly stood or fell with its actor's deliveries and performances. But this was obviously a movie all involved with believed in and they truly gave everything they had, which, needless to say, really payed off well.

It's really a good movie to watch, even when its subject or premise doesn't sound all that interesting to you. Give it a try! Chances are you won't regret it.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Chico & Rita (2010) Directed by Tono Errando, Javier Mariscal & Fernando Trueba
Jane Eyre (2011) Directed by Cary Fukunaga

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