Saturday, March 29, 2025



The movie has a true fitting title; "The Mansion of Madness". It is indeed a mad movie to watch, though not in a good way.

It's a bit of a shame. The movie its story and premise definitely showed some potential. After all, it's a movie based on an Edgar Allan Poe story. But the thing with this movie is that it totally does not pick a horror approach to its story, while an approach like that would had definitely made this a better and more fun watch.

But as it turns out, the movie has no focus at all. It doesn't really follow a good, main, clear plot line, which adds to the total madness of this movie. Perhaps it was all intentional, I don't know but it just doesn't really work out too well. It just never makes this a fun, tense, mysterious or compelling movie to watch at all. Instead it all feels incredibly messy and because it doesn't really follow a story, the movie also even starts to feel a bit like a bore.

It's a real crazy movie, in which a whole lot of crazy stuff is happening. Weird, even for my taste, since most of the stuff seems to be incredibly random and it just too often doesn't make an awful lot of sense.

No, it's not the worst or most annoying genre movie I have ever seen but then again, I also really can't think of any reason why anyone should ever go and watch this movie in the first place.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Incubus (2006) Directed by Anya Camilleri
Gertrud (1964) Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer

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