Mulholland Dr. (2001) Directed by David Lynch
David Lynch movies can confuse people, to say the very least. It's all because he picks an unique approach, with both his writing and directing, that isn't focused on explaining everything that is happening on screen.
It's why basically everybody has their own little theories on what "Mulholland Dr." is all about. It's funny how incredibly diverse most of them are and this is also the greatest power of this David Lynch movie. Everybody can look at it- and experience it differently and form their own opinions about it. So it's basically pointless to read or hear other people speaking about "Mulholland Dr.", since chances are you'll get something totally different out of the movie. So yes, also my opinion about it is also of course completely irrelevant.
To be fair, it isn't unique for a director to tell his story in such a way that it leaves almost everything completely up to the viewer's own imagination and interpretation. But David Lynch is the only 'mainstream' director at the moment that still makes movies this way. It's the reason why he has such an huge following and every time a new Lynch movie gets released people go nuts over it, even when they have no idea what they have just seen.
And no, I also really have no idea yet what I have just witnessed. Who knows, maybe I'll understand it better on repeated viewings but understanding it is not the key to liking or appreciate this movie, fore I regardlessly really liked and appreciated the experience that this movie offered me.
Great thing is that the movie always keeps on fascinating you and is forcing to keep paying attention and search for clues that are hidden in it. The movie is basically a mystery, in which different story lines and different characters get followed, that seemingly have very little to do with each other but at one point do come together or are relevant to each other. It keeps you glued to your seat, even though you might have no idea what is exactly going on. The movie forces you to put things together for yourself, since the actual movie itself offers very little explanation to anything. As a matter of fact, the last few minutes even make the movie all the more confusing, instead of wrapping things up and explaining to you what the story was truly about and what exactly was real in the movie and what wasn't.
Personally my theory about the movie is that it's all about alternate realities, coexisting with each other, that at one point got somehow mixed up (due to the accident?). Every time the blue box gets used, a new alternate reality get opened, which explains why some of the characters in the movie switch identities and certain events seem to have changed or never even happened. But who am I to explain a David Lynch movie to you, while David Lynch himself is probably the only one walking this Earth that truly knows what the movie is all about or perhaps he himself also doesn't. He just loves to mess with people's minds, so it isn't even completely unthinkable that some elements of the movie were never supposed to make any sense at all and he's laughing at all of us for trying to explain his movies.
But really, this is a movie you could talk about for all day long but in the end it really is something you have to experience for yourself and form your own judgment and interpretation on it. But let me just tell you that no matter how confusing this movie, you still get intrigued and sucked in by it, due to the way it all got shot and told by David Lynch.
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