Friday, March 28, 2025


This has got to be one of the most hated recent movies. People call it the worst and make fun of it, so of course I wasn't expecting this movie to be a masterpiece or any good really. However I have to be fair; I was pleasantly surprised by it and actually enjoyed watching it.

Really, as far as aliens versus humans, low-budget, action/science-fictions flicks go, this one is pretty good. And trust me, I have seen a lot of these type of movies, of which most did so much more wrong and poorly than this movie ever did. It was was pretty good for what it is and it definitely serves its purpose just fine.

With its budget, acting and writing quality, you could call this a modern B-movie but one of the aspects about B-movies often is that they are quite enjoyable movies to watch, as is the case with this movie. Of course I recognize all of the bad aspects of this movie and all of its plot holes and weaknesses but quite frankly it never took away any of the fun I had with watching this movie.

It's a movie that really 'borrows' heavily from other, better known genre movies, most notably "Alien" and "The Thing". But I'm even willing to forgive the movie for doing so, since it works within the context of the movie.

The movie does feature some pretty good creature design. All of the aliens are pretty cool and monstrously dangerous looking ones. Definitely not something cheap looking, like a guy in a rubber suit (while if of course still is a guy in a rubber suit but that is besides the point).

Pretty good and enjoyable for what it is.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) Directed by Stephan Elliott
Les avaleuses (1973) Directed by Jesus Franco

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