
This is a very low budget horror flick, with a cheap look to it and some simple writing and characters. However when it comes down to its horror elements, this movie is being surprisingly effective, which is the reason why I couldn't hate on this movie, no matter how bad or silly things could get at times.

Perhaps it's simply because I have seen far worse but as an horror lover I was definitely pleased enough with this movie. It seems to have what so many other modern horror flicks are lacking; some actual good horror. It sounds strange but the Tooth Fairy character is being one great murderous and monstrous character in this movie. But why the tooth fairy looks and sounds like a guy, even though she is clearly said to be a female movie in this movie, is still beyond me. But nevertheless the character provides the movie with all of its suspenseful moments, as well as its most brutal ones. Yes, this movie is actually surprisingly gory and graphic, despite it not being the most convincing gore you'll ever see.

It's all really the reason why this movie is such a perfectly watchable one, since the movie really doesn't have an awful lot else going for it. Clumsy directing, bad writing, flat characters, bad acting. it's a movie that is being filled with some bad and silly moments but it yet really isn't one that ever bores or annoys you. You just go with the flow of this movie and when doing so you will start to appreciate it for what it is after a while, even with all of its flaws and weaknesses.

The movie made me wonder about one thing though; why do horror movies so often feel the need to have a young child character in it? Just look at all of the horror movies made in the past 40 years or so. Really a lot of them feature a kid in a prominent role in it. Is this a trend that first started out with the success of "The Exorcist"? But what is the entire idea and logic behind it? It would be an interesting subject for a study. But anyway, nothing wrong with kids in horror movies, only problem is that child actors just aren't often among the best ones. Also the moments with the kid in this movie are definitely among the more bad and silly moments of the movie. Seriously, this kid is doing stuff no normal kid would ever do in a situation like this and also the parents handle it in a completely awkward and unlikely way, that constantly puts the kids life at danger.

You could talk bad all you want about this movie and also for a good reason but to me this movie still remained an effective horror, that delivered within its genre, more so than most other modern genre attempts.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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