Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 14 August 2010)

This is one superior made movie. I don't know what it as about prison movies but they often work out as such great ones. This one manages to be original as well, due to its approach and just overall execution of it all.

It's perhaps that we really start to feel and identify for and with the main character, in a prison movie. We get to see the restrained and strict world he lives in through his eyes and we can hear what he is hearing and almost feel what he is feeling because we as the viewer are so close up to him. In this movie this is even more the case than ever. The story is being told completely from his perspective and also features his narration over the sequences. It makes the movie really an effective one. It of course also helps the movie and story that we can root for the main character, since he is a member of the French resistance that got caught and held in prison by the Nazi's, during WW II. We only see what he sees and only hear what he hears. And this movie uses takes great advantage of this approach. I especially liked the incredible use of sound throughout the movie.

But the movie does not only use a great approach, it also manages to build up its story extremely well. I just love how he plan his escape in tiny steps throughout the movie. He picks up up an item here, makes a tool there, sends and gets some information here, studies the guards movements there and takes just tiny steps every time to get closer to his breakout from jail. It's incredible how well and intriguing this works out all for the movie. Fore the movie and its story itself are actually being quite simplistic. This is not an high budget movie and uses limited resources to tell its story with.

It's also one of those movies that uses non-professional actors, to add to the movie its realism. This is a thing that was popular for a while with Italian and French film-makers. It did not always worked out too well for just every movie but in this case you can't really complain about it. The characters simply work out, so the acting was convincing and realistic.

This is such a great minimalistic movie. It does incredibly well with its simplistic story and concept and picks a wonderful, effective approach to it all.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Sun faa sau si (1998) Directed by Wilson Yip
The Corpse Grinders (1971) Directed by Ted V. Mikels

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