Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 7 September 2010)

This is not a movie I'm really crazy about but I can certainly appreciate the way its made and how it turned out. It's an effective little movie. There is simple no denying that this is a greatly done film.

It's one very minimalistic movie. Not only with just its sets, costumes or camera-work but also- and foremost, with its story. It's being very simplistic, which in this case is a real good things, since it lets things seem and feel real. It basically focuses entirely on one small poor family, in Bengal, India, at the beginning of the the 20th century, who are trying to survive and overcome everyday's struggles.

It has lots of melodrama and other dramatic developments but yet the movie manages to keep things real and maintain a realistic approach and feeling to it all. This is all due to its minimalistic approach, that makes the movie feel very honest and real.

Despite it's minimalistic approach and low budget, the movie still took a lot of time to make, due to lack of sufficient funds. Luckily after the success of this movie Satyajit Ray didn't had this problem again for the rest of it's trilogy, that got based on the novels by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. And yes, that's really actually a name.

A great example of good and effective minimalistic and simplistic film-making.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Devil in Miss Jones 6 (1999) (V) Directed by Anthony R. Lovett
Maciste (1915) Directed by Luigi Romano Borgnetto & Vincenzo Denizot

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