Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 8 July 2008)

For a movie with a subject such as dying, this movie certainly lacks in some strong and effective emotions. There are lots of better movies out there that mixes romance and death but as a whole this movie certainly is not a bad one. On the contrary and this little unknown Scottish movie is very well worth your time.

You can also praise this movie for not trying to be emotional. Normally these type of movies will try to play you with it's emotions, in an often very forced and formulaic way. "One More Kiss" is not a typical sort of dramatic movie and it instead uses some interesting angles, by not mainly concentrating on the main character and her approaching death but also on those around her, who love her and how it affects their lives and makes them think about were they currently stand in life.

But what mainly makes the movie work out so fine is it's acting. Quite amazing how much different Gerard Butler still looked in 1999. Back then he still mostly used the name Gerry Butler, which should also tell you something about the way he looked. He had curly hair and certainly no muscles and seemed like a very young boy still back then, even though he already was 30 at the time of this movie. He of course just like the rest of the cast plays a fine role. Especially James Cosmo was also really great.

The movie doesn't necessarily concentrate on sickness or death but more on life and tells you to get out of life what you can, while you still can. But it doesn't does this in a forced way or anything like that. The movie features some simple but honest storytelling and is skillfully directed by Vadim Jean, who provides the movie with a nice overall style.

A nice little movie.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) Directed by Leo McCarey
Red Planet (2000) Directed by Antony Hoffman

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