Having seen another Blind Beast movie "Môjû" I could can't off see and understand what this movie was trying to be and achieve and I'm actually sure that they could had pulled it off if they had gotten some more money to spend on this movie.
Thing about this movie now is that it's extremely dreadful looking. It looks at times like it got done by an amateur, who made a short movie for a local TV station or something. The visual look is sort of killing this movie, fore it's style would had been the most essential part to let the movie work out. The movie was lacking its artistic look that it required and that for instance the earlier mentioned "Môjû" did had.
Not only its look made this movie look like a cheap one but also its editing and directing that, to be honest, at times work out quite laughable. Guess they had a decent enough story to work with but the movie overall gives you the impression they really messed things up as they started to go along with it.
Another big issue with this movie is its acting. Didn't even seemed to me that halve of these people were professional actors but just friends and relatives of the crew who were given an opportunity to appear in an actual movie, for once in their lifetime. It was quite bad and made the movie even look more amateur like.
A movie that could had worked out under different (financional) circumstances but now just doesn't.
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