
(Review originally written at 16 November 2007)

The combination of the horror type of film-making and anime is one that works out surprisingly great and effective in this movie.

It has a great dark and horror type of atmosphere and genre story. You can also expect lots of violence and gore from the movie. Yes, I really think that horror-fans will also enjoy watching this movie, even if they aren't familiar with the Japanese anime genre.

The characters are all fantastic looking! Of course especially the mysterious looking D. Some characters are cool looking, others odd and some of them downward scary! It are not just only vampires in this movie!

The main character D is a great one. Lets say he's a sort of combination between Blade and Abraham Van Helsing. It would definitely be great to see more movies involving this character. He's mysterious, he's cool and he has got some real fighting skills.

The movie is fast paced and features lots of action in it. The action is always something original and different, so the movie at all times remains entertaining as well as exciting. Of course the movie shows some oddness but that's also all part of the charm of an anime movie.

The animations are looking as you would expect from a movie such as this. It's no better or any worse than similar type of movies. It's a very imaginative looking movie, set in a dark mysterious place, in a sort of post-apocalypse far future.

Well worth seeing for both anime fans, as well as horror lovers.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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