Saturday, March 29, 2025



(Review originally written at 19 July 2008)

This is basically the movie that introduced Jackie Chan to Hollywood and the world to Jackie Chan. It brought the crazy and amazing action and fight sequences from Chan's into the western world of film-making. It makes this movie something fresh and unique, or at least for its time it was. I remember first seeing this movie in the mid-'90's, just before the time it was released as a rental movie. My brother was working in a video-store and had to take a few new video's home with him in order to decide whether or not the video-store should buy this movie for rental purposes. In those days this movie was really something fun and spectacular to watch and shortly afterward Jackie Chan also became a real big and popular movie-star. Way more popular and appreciated as he is now days.

What really makes this movie is its action. It's never anything too big, also since the movie is made obviously with a fairly low budget but it's very entertaining and amazing at the same time. Amazing, since obviously no harnesses or cables were used for the fight sequences and stunts. It also resulted in lots of broken bones and other injuries during the production but the end result for the movie is really something great and spectacular looking and is brought very entertainingly by Jackie Chan and director Stanley Tong, who both directed the action sequences together. You should see this movie just purely for its entertaining action, since everything else about the movie is actually quite bad to be honest. It might very well be the Jackie Chan movie with the very best action in it.

The movie is a very entertaining one to watch that gets better as it progresses. It's as if the in the first halve tried to be too serious with its approach but in the second halve the gloves are off and the movie becomes truly ridiculously over-the-top and fun at the same time. The best example of this is perhaps the finale sequence in which Chan and his happy friends get the main bad guy with an hovercraft. It's a totally pointless and completely ridicules and also short, rushed done sequence but because of that it at the same time works out very hilarious. I'm still looking for a movie with a better use of the hovercraft than this one!

It's hard to really judge the acting in the movie, since all of the actors were dubbed, even the American actors. This gives the movie an even more ridicules feeling and also makes the acting seem as something completely horrible and over-the-top.

The movie its story often makes lots of crazy jumps and it perhaps even feel as two totally different scripts that were blend in with each other, with as a result that not everything always makes a whole lot of sense and continuity and character treatments are messy. It perhaps almost seems as if the story was mainly purely there to let the movie feature as many and crazy stunts and fight sequences as possible.

The movie is most of the time looking and definitely feeling as a B-movie but in a good way. It's made as an entertaining movie and at entertaining this movie does simply not fail.

As long as you don't pay any attention to the story or logical and it's acting or anything else like it, you'll simply enjoy this movie for the entertainment that it brings, with mainly it's over-the-top but absolutely amazing action sequences.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Sinister Urge (1960) Directed by Edward D. Wood Jr.
Columbo: A Friend in Deed (1974) Directed by Ben Gazzara

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