Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 26 April 2010)

This is a movie that focuses on the forming days of Isreal, during the war for independence, in 1947. That war has ended but not that much have changed really, from the events and thoughts depicted in this movie and the ones that are still being actual this present day and time.

It's by no means a great movie though but this is foremost due to its quality. It obviously had some low production values and it seems like one of this movie that got made by 1 director, one cameraman and one guy handling the sound. The picture and sound quality itself is also quite poor. Of course the movie is over 50 years old already, so the picture and sound of it haven't improved really obviously. But you can tell really that even back in those days, the picture and sound quality for this movie were below par at the time of production.

The movie is pro-Isreali of course and can therefore be also seen as a propaganda piece. It's not also very objective but it's nothing too bad or distracting really. Some of if story elements are obviously thrown in for the 'good' Jewish cause but none of it distracts from the movie its main story.

Not that the main story is being told that well either really. The movie is quite messy at times with its story-telling and it doesn't always flow well enough. At points it's even terribly dragging, such as with that whole thing with the Rabbi in the hospital. The movie obviously still had some good ideas and with some more time and money it would had surely turned out to be a better movie.

But all criticism aside, it's still a good movie. It tells a good story and in its perspective it's quite an achievement as well, as a whole. Despite the fact that its far from a perfect movie I can understand why it's being considered somewhat of an Isreali classic.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Night of the Lepus (1972) Directed by William F. Claxton
Furankenshutain no kaijû: Sanda tai Gaira (1968) Directed by Ishirô Honda

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