Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 10 August 2010)

What can you expect from anything being titled "The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror"? Nothing great obviously but who can resist such a cheesy title. And while this movie is most definitely not great, it isn't painfully bad to watch either. Its quite amusing actually.

As far as these, simplistic, generic, shoe-string budget, modern, horror movies go, this really isn't a bad one. To be honest, it's on of the best ones I have seen in a long while. It simply did a good job with its very limited resources and was actually quite professionally looking, at least when compared to similar genre movies.

This movie might sound like a very offensive one toward homosexual people but in truth this movie never downgrade itself to any gay-bashing or trying to make fun of homosexuals. Yes, the movie is mostly still a comedy but really not an offensive one. I actually think that some of the people involved with this movie in front and behind the camera's were homosexual themselves. The movie just gave me a that sort of vibe. The only people who might be offended by this are Republicans because they get portrayed as the biggest monster in this movie. It might also be definitely true that this movie its story and concept is just far too silly for anyone to get offended by, in all truth.

The story is just about as simple as it can get. Yes, it's about a gay bed and breakfast...of terror. When a bunch of homosexual couples arrive at a bed and breakfast, somewhere in the middle of the desert, soon some of them start to get brutally slaughtered. It really is all you should need to know. When the motivations get explained the movie actually gets more silly and even worse, till the movie reach its ending, when it's simply just starting to loose it even more, for the worse.

It's a shame that the movie is only that much fun to watch. It's definitely true they could had turned everything up a notch, in order to make this a far more fun and entertaining movie to watch. For a comedy it's simply lacking in its comedy at times. Things could and should had been crazier and more campy, for my taste.

And as an horror...well you can't really take this movie serious as an horror, now can you. In essence the movie is being slasher and yes, the movie does feature blood and gore but you can't really say that the movie ever becomes a scary one. Because of its concept its still being an original one but also nothing more than that.

But seriously, this movie is not half as bad as it perhaps sounds. Give it a shot and you might end up liking it, if only just a little.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Reeds (2009) Directed by Nick Cohen
Skjult (2009) Directed by Pål Øie

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