Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 6 September 2010)

This movie still has a bit more class and effort put into it than the average typical genre example. Yet it really is not half as creative or original than any of the four previous movies.

It's a real late sequel again, in the well known 'Devil in Miss Jones' franchise. It's definitely interesting to see, while watching this movie, what changes the porn industry went through over the years. Not only the technical aspects and approaches of the movies have all changed over the years but also the perspective of what is hot and beauty. In the '70's Miss Jones still looked like an housewife, in the '80's she was a rock-chick and in the '90's, so in this movie, she is a Barbie, so to speak.

I can't really say that I was too crazy about the sex sequences in this movie. Problem really was its editing and camera-handling. It's all being edited real fast and there are literally moments that the one cut they are in one position while in the next positions have suddenly changed radically. It's not really consistent and I just didn't liked the flow of it. I have never too fond about '90's style of film-making, seems that this goes for the porn industry as well.

One other thing that really started to annoy was keep seeing the same persons appear over and over again, in different settings and costumes. Some more variety in this wouldn't had harmed the movie. Most of the girls are all pretty good looking though, luckily.

It's still better than the usual genre attempt, if that is saying anything to you.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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