Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 18 January 2006)

"Way Out West" is far from my favorite Laurel & Hardy movie. That of course doesn't mean it's bad, it just means that it's lacking compared to other better Laurel & Hardy movies.

Call me old fashioned but I more prefer the simple slapstick comical approach of Laurel & Hardy. Although of course this movie still has some slapstick moments in it, it is mostly filled with humorous dialog and comical situations that aren't necessarily slapstick-like. All of the comical events in the movie are also far too stretched out. Some of the humorous moments go on for too long, with as a result that it looses some of its power when it comes to creating laughs.

The musical numbers also feel misplaced. Still, the Laurel & Hardy dance is a classic to watch though.

The main essence of the movie is on its story, which makes the humor seem as a secondary element. For me watching Laurel & Hardy movie isn't about the story of the movie, it's about the humor and the chemistry of the two main characters.

James Finlayson is always good in a Laurel & Hardy movie and he does provide some good moments and laughs.

It's a good movie to watch with some nice laughs in it and there are obviously more good things than bad things about this movie but still I don't feel that this is the must-see that everyone makes it sound it is.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Dancing Masters (1943) Directed by Malcolm St. Clair
Tower of Evil (1972) Directed by Jim O'Connolly

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