Starsky & Hutch (2004) Directed by Todd Phillips
(Review originally written at 10 August 2005)
Of all the recent buddy-cop movies, released lately this is one of the better ones.
Biggest strength of this movie is in the two main characters played by Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. They are such a great screen duo together and have some great team chemistry on the screen. The movie is filled with many other great comical talented actors such as; Vince Vaughn as the main villain, Snoop Dogg and Will Ferrell and some smaller roles for famous names such as; Chris Penn, Carmen Electra, Amy Smart and Juliette Lewis.
But the movie is more then just an ordinary buddy-movie, it also is a priceless parody of '70's TV-shows in general. It uses some of the same camera-positions and style of editing at times, especially in the action sequences. But also the way of acting, dialog and costumes perfectly spoof all those silly '70 TV-series. I'm not sure if everybody catch or understood this but I really laughed out loud at some moments.
The comedy can be put in the category silly, so this movie is clearly not suitable for everyone. The humor is really over-the-top but I for one really enjoyed that. The characters are really silly but the professional comedy actors portray them extremely well and likable.
A perfectly fun comedy to kill some time with.
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