Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 20 March 2005)

What would happen in the movie was no big surprise to me really, thanks to the bad advertising for this movie, in which the main plot twist was already revealed.

Still "Ransom" is a very good watchable movie. OK calling it average maybe is not completely fair by me maybe, cause "Ransom" is more than average at times.

It really is good that this movies shows both sides of the kidnap, both the little boy's (Brawley Nolte, yes, indeed the son of...) parents (Mel Gibson, Rene Russo) and the kidnappers (Gary Sinise, Lili Taylor, Liev Schreiber, Donnie Wahlberg, Evan Handler.). The fact that it also shows the kidnappers is what makes this movie even more tense actually.

I'm sorry but I just can't stand Rene Russo in this movie. Her character really irritated me at times. Best actor is Gary Sinise who was really 'hot' in the mid-90's, ever since his Oscar nomination for one of my personal favorite movie's, "Forrest Gump". It was also nice to see the at the time fairly unknown actor Donnie Wahlberg, who also did a good job.

The music by James Horner is good, still I'm curious about the original Howard Shore score.

Yes the movie has some good moments and is perfectly watchable but it most certainly is not Ron Howard's or Mel Gibson's best. It also is not a movie that I enjoy watching multiple times. Also the original from 1956 is still a better movie even if it doesn't have action or a spectacular ending. At least it was more tense and less predictable as this movie was at times.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Big Fish (2003) Directed by Tim Burton
Ghostbusters (1984) Directed by Ivan Reitman

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