Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 22 May 2005)

Yes, this second "Law & Order" spin off can be truly called the Vincent D'Onofrio-show! His character is what makes the series always a pleasure to watch, he really is a most excellent actor. I already was a fan of him after "Full Metal Jacket" but after watching him in this I can truly say that I love him as an actor!

The show itself is actually always pretty far fetched. The stories are always highly unlikely and complex. Still you will keep on enjoying every episode and that is not just only because of Vincent D'Onofrio. The show is made with lot's of profession behind the camera's and has some high-class supporting characters and extra's. Jamey Sheridan as Captain James Deakins and Courtney B. Vance as ADA Ron Carver are always two solid elements in an episode.

Also Vincent D'Onofrio is actually pretty ridicules and highly unbelievable. I mean this guy basically knows everything about everything. He knows how duct tape gets made, everything about clamps, all humane and animal deceases, both physically and mentally and everything about Indians and their habits that lived about 800 years ago in some remote place. My point is that he always knows amazingly and unrealistically much. He also always notices little details that no normal person would ever point out...I love it! Yes, it sounds strange but it really helps to make D'Onofrio's character a highly likable character. He's like a modern day Sherlock Holmes.

All in all, I always really enjoy watching every episode, even though it gets ridicules at times it still remains always solid. But really the biggest power behind it all is Vincent D'Onofrio as the quirky and highly likable detective Robert Goren.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Scarface (1983) Directed by Brian De Palma
GoldenEye (1995) Directed by Martin Campbell

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