Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 14 December 2005)

To be honest "Kangaroo Jack" isn't an horrible movie. It has some solid main characters and some good comical moments and situations but it is all ruined by the story that is totally without a point and lame. Who ever green-lighted this project?

Even though he plays obviously a quite prominent role in the movie, the character of Kangaroo Jack feels totally out of place and not relevant for the movie. He feels totally pointless and makes the movie a very lame one to watch at times with some easy and childish humor and situations in it. Without his character this movie probably would had been a better one and certainly a more watchable one.

The actors Jerry O'Connell and Anthony Anderson really don't form a bad comical duo but they are truly given awful material to work with at times. The movie feels like a waste of the two main characters. And what ever was Christopher Walken thinking? I still can't believe that he agreed to play a part in this movie. It's like having Marlon Brando in "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Totally out of place and below his professional level.

The movie is good looking and it's obvious that director David McNally still has a notable talent for movie making. He still adds feeling and style to the movie even though it can't all conceal the movie its lame and pointless story.

It's still good for a few laughs but it overall has more minuses than pluses in it, so I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone unless you're really bored.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
American Wedding (2003) Directed by Jesse Dylan
Superman III (1983) Directed by Richard Lester

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