Friday, March 28, 2025



(Review originally written at 23 February 2006)

This was a rather disappointing movie. The concept of the movie is great thriller material but unfortunately the finished result was a huge letdown. The movie is dull and the story isn't a very believable one.

It really is the story and storytelling that make this thriller a weak one. There hardly is any character development. The story itself also at times doesn't make real sense. The story takes some odd and unlikely turns at times. At times it also takes ages before something interesting happens again. And really, if the police were really that dumb and narrow minded, serial killers must really have an easy job.
Yeah sure, it has still got Helen Mirren in it, which is probably also the only reason why I watched this movie in the first place, but come on, why did she ever agreed to appear in this movie in the first place... And besides, a great actress is never a guarantee that the movie is any good or even a watchable one. She is a great actress but she gets very little interesting to do. Besides like I mentioned before, the character development is quite poor, which is all the more reason why this movie falls flat as a thriller.

You're better of watching a good English detective-series episode. There is more development, tension and mystery present in that.


About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Open Water (2003) Directed by Chris Kentis
Coming to America (1988) Directed by John Landis

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