Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 2 May 2006)

According to Dr. Otternschlag; People come, people go. Nothing ever happens. The good old doctor couldn't be more wrong. Lots of things are happening in Grand Hotel when several different persons with different motivations check into the hotel.

The movie follows several different characters in the movie who all in a way get connected to each other. All of the characters are in the hotel for different reasons. It makes the characters very powerful and interesting to follow. The movie might not be as old fashioned as it might seem at first sight. The movie might be made in 1932 but the story and its characters sure don't feel old fashioned and the movie doesn't fall into some typical genre clichés. The movie is unique in many ways, which makes this movie a very enjoyable one to watch, even for those who normally don't watch early cinematic pictures.

The movie has a wonderful cast. John Barrymore is good and convincing as the thief with a good heart, Baron Felix von Geigern. Greta Garbo shines as always and so does Joan Crawford, whose performance is perhaps a bit underrated. Lionel Barrymore goes over-the-top at times but at least I could stand him this time. I normally can't stand him in movies but I must admit that he entertained and perhaps somewhat surprised me this time.

Yes, so its really the cast and diversity of characters that makes this movie a greatly interesting one to follow. At moments there is nothing much happening on screen but due to its characters the movie still remains interesting throughout its entire running time. You just never know what's going to happen next in the Grand Hotel.

It's interesting to note that the movie won an Acedemy Award for best movie but it wasn't even nominated in any other different category.

A surprising and entertaining movie that is great thanks to its characters and storytelling, which makes this movie a very good- and interesting one to watch.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Chaplin (1992) Directed by Richard Attenborough
Parenthood (1989) Directed by Ron Howard

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