Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 2 April 2004)

"Galaxy Quest" is an excellent feel good comedy that's enjoyable for the entire family.

Even though the concept of the movie is not original anymore, the story is still enjoyable and fun enough, mainly thanks to the cast who seemed to be enjoying them selves during filming.

Tim Allen is surprising good as "William Shatner" like captain and Alan Rickman is perfect in his role. Sigourney Weaver perfectly makes fun of her own "Ripley" character from the "Alien" movies and plays the complete opposite of this character. All the characters are fun and entertaining because they are humane instead of heroic. There also is a fine stereotype space villain.

The movie perfectly makes fun of "Star Trek", the fans and everything else around it. Well, I'm not sure if making fun of is the right way to say it, it's more like holding up a mirror, without making the Trekkies look like complete fools.

But it's a comedy so how about some laughs? Well, there are a few laughs but this movie is more of feel good, fun, entertaining comedy instead of an hilarious one. The movie also knows to be emotional at the right moments.

Other thing that contribute to the greatness of this movie are the special effects and the musical score composed by David Newman.

By Grabthar's hammer...what a movie.

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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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