(Review originally written at 17 April 2005)
Visually this is a beautiful short. It has some amazing cinematography by Harris Savides who also made moody movies like "The Game", "Finding Forrester" and "Birth". The fine directing is from Kar Wai Wong, who makes this short a little piece of art.
The story is also what helps to make this movie beautiful. Although its short it still manages to create depth and stir up the right emotions. This is the second and so far last "The Hire" short written by expert Andrew Kevin Walker. If you only like and expecting a cool car chase than you're better of watching another "The Hire" short and you can just better skip this one.
The good mood music is from Joel Goodman and Jeff Rona.
Famous stars in this are Mickey Rourke and Forest Whitaker in an uncredited but big role.
The third "The Hire" movie is just simply beautiful!
The Follow (2001) Directed by Kar Wai Wong

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