Saturday, March 29, 2025


(Review originally written at 11 January 2004)

"Finding Nemo" is a wonderful animated adventure movie that simply is irresistible for young as well as older persons.

The most excellent thing about "Finding Nemo" is the perfect timing, just like in "Monsters, Inc" the jokes are extremely well placed in a quick pace and are good for more then just a few laughs.

There are some very fun and great characters which brings me to the only problem I have with this movie. There are too many minor characters, I would have really loved to see some of the characters getting a bigger role with some more importance to the story instead of meeting character after character that are only on screen for no more than 5 minutes (such as the sharks). Sure it's good for the sense of adventure but it leaves some missed opportunities to make the story even more fun.

I think it's pretty obvious that the story is inspired on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy since it uses lot's of elements from it and it has the some feeling of adventure and excitement so it's really not a big thing that the story isn't very original, the original and fun way the story is told in compensates for this.

The voice cast as in many animated movies is impressive but the one that stood out was Ellen DeGeneres as Dory that you love to hate.
Irresistible movie for the whole family with great jokes and lines and some memorable characters and situations.

Mine, mine, mine!


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Muppets from Space (1999) Directed by Tim Hill
Phil Collins: Live and Loose in Paris (1998) (V) Directed by David Mallet

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