Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 14 March 2005)

When you see an Indian organist playing in a meat-house with the meat still cooling in it, while a transvestite is performing a belly dance without his teeth and is making Bela Lugosi swing, you know're watching a Tim Burton movie.

The movie brilliantly tells the story about Edward D. Wood Jr. widely know these days as the worst movie director of all time. It tells the story with lot's of humor but it never gets disrespectful, or makes fun of Wood. Instead you actually will gain lot's of respect for his passion and his will power to make just that one movie that he would always be remembered for. The story of Edward D. Wood Jr. is tragic but the movie never becomes sad. It is the perfect homage and tribute to this unfortunate director. You can see by watching this movie that Tim Burton in a way really admires Wood's life and his work.

We get to see Wood as a filmmaker and as an individual. We get to know his weird lifestyle and his eccentric famous friends

OK the movie might no be a completely fair biography about Wood. It takes lot's of liberties with telling the story and it only shows the bright days of Wood's life but as movie it works really well and is next to "Edward Sciccorhands" Burton's best movie till date, truly a masterpiece!

The cast is terrific. Johnn Depp in a Tim Burton movie is always jackpot. Sarah Jessica Parker impressed me and Martin Landau truly is perfect as Bela Lugosi. Bill Murray does what he can best, acting crazy! The Danny Elfman like music by Howard Shore is really great and also great as an homage to the 50's horror soundtracks.

The movie works both as a comedy and as a drama. It knows to find the perfect balance but mainly still the movie is just extremely fun to watch. The movie really has tons of laughs and is filled with some incredible crazy character's but like I said before, it never becomes disrespectful to anyone.

I must say that "Ed Wood" really changed my life. It got me interested in not just only Ed Wood movies but 50's horror movies in general. It also made me a big fan of the famous Hammer film's.

A brilliant, strange, tragic, fun homage to the man who will always be remembered as the worst director of all time.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Triumph des Willens (1935) Directed by Leni Riefenstahl
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