Friday, March 28, 2025


(Review originally written at 28 May 2005)

This actually is a worthy sequel to "Dragonheart". OK it misses the magical atmosphere, good special effects and cast but it still is a movie worth seeing.

Good things about the movie are the nicely choreographed fight sequence's and the pretty solid and satisfying end fight. Also the movie provides some successful comical moments.

Still there are some major flaws in the movie. The story itself about the prophecy is quite weak and silly and it's hard to tell at times who are exactly the bad guys, due to some poor casting and bad story telling. Some of the scene's were also edited poorly together. The special effects are far from the best ever but also far from the worst. They look acceptable enough.

Robby Benson (best know for voicing the beast in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast".) wasn't exactly the best choice to voice Drake, he's boring and makes some of the dialog sound silly. Overall the acting is pretty solid by the rest of the cast, of unknown actors.

With some more work on the script, this movie could have been really great. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a third "Dragonheart" movie being made.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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