Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber
(Review originally written at 7 July 2005)
What a totally ridicules and stupid movie this was...I LOVE IT! This movie is like the biggest load of nonsense you'll ever see. I mean an entire movie focused on the game dodgeball? What movie has a more ridicules concept than that? Fans of silly humor, this is a must see for you!
The movie has several strong aspects. One and maybe the biggest are the characters. They are all extremely stereotyped and over-the-top but my goss I love them. Ben Stiller is especially hilarious as the 'villain' with his crazy hair and silly outfits.
The dodgeball games are definitely the highlights of the movie. I don't really care much about what happens in the movie outside of the dodgeball games to be frank. Nothing beats seeing some silly characters like members of team kamikaze and team blitzkrieg, who are coached by David Hasselhoff, being hit hard in the face or a more sensitive body location, by some balls.
The humor is totally wrong but you can't help loving it. The movie is filled with some truly hilarious moments and some well written dialog.
If you enjoy silly humor, this is simply a must see!
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