Coyote Ugly (2000) Directed by David McNally
(Review originally written at 15 February 2006)
This is one of those movie of which you already know how it's going to end. Nothing in the movie happens as a real surprise and it's a quite formulaic one. Still it has been made with lots of talent and profession involved, which definitely helps to makes this movie a pleasantly watchable one.
I truly think that director David McNally is a greatly talented one. Problem is, that so far he only has been given awful material to work with (this movie and "Kangeroo Jack".). This director certainly deserves better and I hope producer Jerry Bruckheimer also sees this and gives him another chance one day, with a movie with a better script. McNally made this movie with lots of flair and vision and certainly makes the story look more interesting than it really is. Because lets face it, there is very little plot and story present in this movie. At times the movie jumps to one sequence to another without feeling an obvious connection. Horrible editing and continuity at times.
It really is the story that prevent this movie from being a great one. It's all very predictable and formulaic and all of the clichéd moments you could expect from a movie with a concept like that, are present. The movie also tries to be too dramatic at times with as a result that it becomes unnecessarily sappy at times. Guess it's more a chick-flick than anything else really.
The actors do their best and they did their job well enough, although it is fairly obvious that everyone was cast on their looks and not their acting skills. But I, as a well functioning heterosexual male, am not really complaining about that.
The style is certainly good and somewhat uplifts this movie and helps to make it just better than slightly above average. It's worth to watch and enjoyable enough, when you have never else or better to do. But it's far from an excellent movie, obviously.
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