Saturday, March 29, 2025



(Review originally written at 13 June 2004)

This movie is a typical 80's B-movie and is one of the better ones.

The movie can be seen as utter trash. It has a silly story, bad dialogue, some cheap actors, horrible stereotype villains, "A-Team" like stunts and horrible 80's music by J. Peter Robinson. This movie will most likely not be liked by the casual viewer but B-movie lovers should really be able to appreciate this movie.

It's a good thing that the movie doesn't always takes itself seriously with as a result that there is lot's of comedy fun to enjoy.

The end fight is ridiculous as well as entertaining and is a fine and suiting ending for this typical B-movie that is a must see for the B-movie fans but not recommendable for the casual viewer.

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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
Independence Day (1996) Directed by Roland Emmerich
Murder on the Orient Express (1974) Directed by Sidney Lumet

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