Friday, March 28, 2025



(Review originally written at 14 October 2003)

Yet again a Disney movie with a different style. Of all their efforts from the last couple of years, this is one of the better ones.

Of all the Disney movies this is probably the most "adult". The characters are more "adult" and so is the story line. The story itself is actually pretty serious. Well, I'm talking about the Lilo and Nani story line of course not the one with Stich. It's pretty heavy stuff and it goes about some serious issues and shows the value of family. I like the way the story is brought.

But luckily it's not all serious, there is still lot's of fun and things to laugh about. There are some typical Disney characters that provide some comical situations. I especially like the Cobra Bubbles character voiced by Ving Rhames.

There is a good balance between the serious and funny scene's. The seriousness never ruins the fun and the funny scene's never ruin the serious situations. Perfect match!

The style is cool and the pace is fast and the Hawaiian locations are beautiful.

However the story line is a bit too simple and some of the situations and scene's are a bit too crazy and forced.

Nevertheless, still very entertaining and it has a good and important message in it.

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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
The Andromeda Strain (1971) Directed by Robert Wise
Aliens (1986) Directed by James Cameron

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